Dare to fly higher

I need to change my

Unlocking New Year Magic

    December 31st, 2010, just fourteen months after the untimely death of my healthy and y...

December 20, 2021
10 Surprising Health Benefits of Cucumbers and My Favorite Go-To Quick Salad Recipe

I love, love, LOVE cucumbers!! Did you know not only are these cool little crunchy veggies tasty, bu...

December 20, 2021
The Christmas Letter

I orginally wrote this piece three years ago and it was published on the Huffington Post I’ve ...

December 20, 2021
Eating Out and Staying Healthy – Holiday Tips

A few simple tips from Michelle on how to be healthy when eating out this holiday season! Just becau...

December 20, 2021
47 Things I’ve Learned By 47

I just recently turned 47 years old, and what I’m about to tell you may seem cliché, but it’s a...

December 20, 2021
The Hamster Wheel of Fitness, Dangerous Trends and Discovering the 5 Pillars of Wellness

I’ve been in the fitness industry for over ten years now I’ve coached thousands of peopl...

December 20, 2021
Healing From Trauma – Why You Shouldn’t Leave the Body Behind

It’s time we STOP believing that all trauma healing work happens in our minds, we must reconne...

December 20, 2021
Dear Widow Police – I Won’t Revoke My Card

Nearly ten years ago, I was given exclusive membership to one of the world’s crappiest clubs O...

December 20, 2021
Michelle’s Super Popular 5-Minute Banana Pancakes!

These are the fastest, easiest and tastiest pancakes you will ever make Less than 5-minutes for a he...

December 20, 2021
10 Ways You Can Help A Grieving Solo Parent This Holiday Season

I became a solo parent in the blink of an eye on a cool October morning I woke up as a family of fou...

December 20, 2021
Uncluttering our Christmas

Let’s chat about parenting guilt for a few minutes Who has ever experienced the soul-crushing ...

December 20, 2021
What You Don’t Know About That Parent Who Brags

They were just 13 months and nearly three years old when their Dad died in a small plane crash They ...

December 20, 2021
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