Dare to fly higher

I need to change my

Stop Saying You’re So Strong

It was always hard for me to hear, “You’re so strong,” because it felt like a weight I had to carry so others perceived me in a way that inspired them The reality is that I just survived and did […]...

March 4, 2024

No Excuses – YOLO

For far too many years, I’d travel for our adventure company and I’d make all the excuses Can’t train, no gym Sure, I’ll have a glass of wine, I’m in a different country I’ll get on track when I get […]...

February 26, 2024

Train For The Right Reasons

You have a body and it carries your essence, your soul Your value as a human is not in how that body looks It is not worthy because it gains approval or disapproval from another human Instead, train to handle […]...

February 26, 2024

Sit In Your Power

Recently, I sat at a table of women and talked about everything that lights me up inside I spoke effortlessly, with complete confidence and the unshakable belief that I belong No imposter syndrome, insecurity, or doubt; this was and is […]...

February 26, 2024

Worth the work

Oh the work… It’s hard It’s relentless It’s sometimes very difficult You can’t get anywhere worth going in this life without hard work You can’t get healthy and fit You can’t become good in business You can’t have a stellar [&hell...

August 25, 2023

Change for the better

Change for the better As women, we are given this gift of intuition that will rarely steer us in the wrong direction IF we are willing to set aside our rational, overthinking minds and lean into our inner voice Many […]...

August 15, 2023

Change is Scary

CHANGE IS SCARY Hello, world; allow me to reintroduce myself I’m Michelle Steinke-Baumgard, the founder of One Fit Widow I started One Fit Widow more than a decade ago after the tragic airplane crash of my late husband, Mitch At […]...

July 26, 2023

Finding the light when struggling with grief

Finding the light when struggling with grief The light It’s always there, guiding our way, fueling our journey Sometimes we become dense, dark, and the light goes dim We feel weighed down life, circumstances and people We are burdened with [&hellip...

July 17, 2023

Remapping Your Neural Pathways in Grief

The various losses we experience shape us in more ways than we often realize My widowhood shaped me profoundly and left me spinningThe loss of my parents shifted the ground beneath meThe loss of my best friend left me feeling […]...

July 12, 2023

I didn’t grow up with a lot of happy holiday memories

I didn’t grow up with a lot of holiday memories I didn’t grow up with a lot of happy holiday memories… My mom experienced her loss when I was just two years old, and it didn’t come from death, but […]...

July 4, 2023

Nine Years Ago

Nine years ago tonight, I was getting ready to remarry To say I was scared was a major understatement What if I got hurt What if something happened to him What if life didn’t work out like I was planning…AGAIN […]...

June 26, 2023

You are still here for a reason

You are going to have to make the decision to live again after life throws you curve balls you never expected Make no mistake…it is a choice I’m not hear to say it’s an easy choice or that the process […]...

June 23, 2023

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