We ladies always say it, but aging for women hits differently.
Menopause is genuinely something I’ve seen make significant changes, not only in my own life but in the life of every woman I know.
It’s not a myth, and it’s not exaggerated. No, our mothers (for the most part) didn’t warn us.
Let’s face it: past generations haven’t talked about it at all.
Women from the past just suffered in silence.
It’s also so much more than hot flashes.
It’s middle-of-the-night anxiety (due to falling progesterone).
It’s heart palpitations, frozen shoulders, aches and pains from less estrogen, fluctuations in our cycle (in perimenopause), and an overall dis-ease in our bodies.
It’s weight gain for no reason, sleep disturbance, brain fog, headaches, hair changes, fatigue and so much more.
What most women don’t realize is that perimenopause can start as early as 35 and go into our late 50s. We are all different, and the time perimenopause starts can be 4-10 years before actual menopause. So, because our moms didn’t warn us, we start having these changes, and our doctors (most but not all) gaslight us to believe it’s all in our heads.
I’m here to say that you must advocate for your health. You must read the books, research, and find your own path forward. I’m on HRT. That doesn’t mean it’s for everyone, but I found the benefits far outweigh any perceived risk, and it has been a game changer in my life. I’m still in perimenopause and believe I have been here since my mid-40s when things started to change.
Let’s educate ourselves and TALK about this stage of life with our girls. Arm them with knowledge, normalcy, and validation for the process.
It’s a big deal, and while we can’t stop aging, we can normalize the conversation and make it easier to walk the path with our best health and wellness in mind.
Hugs, ladies; I’m sending you love if you are struggling today.
It’s not always easy, but I guarantee that if you work on your strength (mentally, physically, and emotionally), you can tackle it with so much grit and grace.
ps- be sure to check out both our new programs Empower Lift, and Keith’s brand new 28 Day Mobility Challenge!