It’s sad to me how little emphasis women have on lifting weights.
I’ve been a trainer for more than 13 years, and the line I hear, still today, is, “I don’t want to get bulky.”
That comment still drives me up the wall to this day. Lean muscle and bulk in women isn’t a reality unless you take performance-type drugs.
The truth is, women, are taught to do cardio (which isn’t in and of itself bad, especially for your heart health) and, for the most part, aren’t trained to build and maintain muscle, WHICH will be a gamechanger for them as they age and specifically in menopause.
The more muscle mass you have, the lower your risk of all-cause mortality. Similarly, as you add lean muscle tissue, your overall hormone profile changes to a more youthful one.
The good news is it’s NEVER too late to start. The best time to start would be in your teens (like my daughter here), but the second best time to start is NOW.
If you’re experiencing menopause-related weight gain, it’s crucial to incorporate strength training into your routine.
If you are frail and weak, establishing a strength training habit is imperative to your longevity.
If you lack confidence, energy, and a fire for life, strength training won’t cure you, but it will kick-start your life in a new direction.
No matter how old you are, start today.
Here is a great place to start!
Build lean muscle tissue.
Increase your lean protein.
Drink water.
Give up as much alcohol as you can.
Get more fiber.
WALK and deep breath!
Prioritize rest and recovery.
Love yourself while you work to improve yourself.
That’s where you start!