I LOVE chicken tortilla soup! It’s one of my favorites because it’s quick, it’s super easy and it’s chalked full of goodness. All in one neat little soup you get protein, good fats, lots of veggies, and warm tasty goodness.
This recipe can be thrown together in about ten minutes and left to simmer for the day in your slow cooker, or on your stove top (if you are home to supervise).
How do I make it?
Well, that’s the fun and easy part!
Prep your veggies to save you some time and if you want to make homemade tortilla strips you can, or you can buy them premade at the store. The health freak in me always wants to make them fresh, but the mom of 4 kids sometimes has to do what she has to do (this is a judgment-free zone!) I’m just proud of you for cooking.
For the tortilla strips, just pan fry them in the oil and salt for about a minute on each side.
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