Our patterns keep us stuck in a life we don’t want.
I get it; I’ve lived it time and time again.
Every day we wake up, we repeat the day before and the day before in a routine that leaves us anchored to our past and poor habits.
We justify this behavior by telling ourselves that we can’t do something different or will start tomorrow.
Tomorrow never comes because the truth is, it’s easier to stay comfortable in a negative routine than push forward for change.
Our bodies and minds don’t like change, so the familiar past is easier to tolerate than the unfamiliar future.
This cycle keeps us unhealthy, financially burdened, and stuck in situations that no longer serve our forward growth.
How do we change this pattern?
First, you’ll have to become aware of your daily habits, like a human computer program that keeps you running on autopilot. No change can come without awareness. I suggest journaling your thoughts and behaviors to make you consciously aware.
Next, you’ll need to decide with a deep conviction that you will no longer stay stuck in what isn’t serving your future. Once you make this declaration, you must make small changes daily until a new neural pathway is formed in your brain and you begin to change. Visualize who you want to become, and once you stand up, embody it, day after day, until a new program takes over the old one.
You will have setbacks along the way, but with your new awareness, you will be able to stop the behaviors before they send you back to that place of comfort that keeps you miserable.
I’ve worked with people who are willing to be miserable year after year for DECADES rather than do the work to change.
It’s not easy, but time is passing us by, and not changing is much harder work than actually doing what needs to be done to level up your life.
Sadly, we all want comfort and that comfort keeps us stuck where we don’t want to be. Be honest with yourself, your life, and your desires for a better future. Be brutally truthful and start with one new habit to move forward. I promise, that while change is challenging, it’s always worthwhile. You are here for a reason, start living.
Michelle ❤️